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Dr. Vandana Jaiswal

Dr. Jaiswal is a lifetime member of the Indian Radiological Imaging Association (IRIA), reflecting her commitment to staying abreast of advancements in her field. Her areas of expertise encompass a wide range of diagnostic modalities, including diagnostic radiography, ultrasound (general, obstetrics, musculoskeletal, vascular Dopplers, and USG-guided procedures such as FNAC and biopsy), CT scan interpretation (covering body imaging, brain, chest, abdomen, angiography, 3D bone reconstruction, and CT-guided procedures), and MRI scan reporting (encompassing body imaging, contrast-enhanced studies, spectroscopy, MRCP, angiography, and defecography).

Area Of Expertise

  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Radiographic Procedures
Speciality :


Degrees :