Obstetric & Gynecology
Dr. Sumit J. Pise
Dr. Sumit J. Pise has worked as a Consultant in Nava Bharat Hospital Sasthamcotta Kerela Dr. Sumit has vast experience in providing Critical Care Management in Obstetrics and Gynae. During corona period one of the first surgeons to start covid deliveries in town. He has vast experience in treating patients of infertility in both male & female. He has experience in minimally invasive surgeries and painless normal deliveries.
Area Of Expertise
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Consultant in Critical Care Management in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Expertise in Minimal Invasive Surgeries and Painless Normal Deliveries
Speciality :
Obstetric & Gynecology
Degrees :

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